Best way to Choose Quality Teak Wood Furniture

Best way to Choose Quality Teak Wood Furniture. Nowadays, furniture made of teak wood is still famous in Indonesia because of its strong natural fibers. In terms of quality, teak has a better quality than mahogany. Even teak wood furniture is very sturdy and cannot be eaten by termites or mice.

But if you are going to buy furniture made of teak wood, then you should know how to choose the right furniture made of quality teak wood.

  1. The finish looks nice and smooth
    One way to find out quality teak furniture products is to see the final finishing that looks good. Where on the furniture there is an even coloring in all parts and all the wood pores are covered in finishing.

In addition, the finishing layer is quite thick and not too thin. When touched by hand, the surface of the furniture feels smoother and not bumpy. A good finish also lasts a long time and doesn’t fade quickly.

  1. Avoid teak furniture that has many holes on its surface
    How to choose quality teak furniture correctly is to avoid choosing furniture that has small holes on its surface. Because the holes in the teak wood have insect houses in them that are connected to each other and cause powder to form on the wood.

The result of the existence of holes in teak wood furniture is that the inside is porous even though the outside looks solid. For this reason, avoid buying teak wood furniture that has holes in its surface.

  1. Furniture has a sturdy and symmetrical construction.
    Considering the price of furniture made from teak wood is quite expensive, so when you intend to buy furniture made from teak, try to make the right choice.

Choose teak wood furniture that has a construction that looks very strong and has a symmetrical shape on its surface. The reason is that teak wood furniture that has a symmetrical shape contains a beauty value that is evenly distributed throughout the corners.

  1. Choose furniture made from old teak wood that is 20 to 30 years old
    Actually, the older the teak wood raw material used in furniture, the more sturdy the construction it has.

While the characteristics of old teak wood have a denser fiber arrangement, very heavy weight and reddish brown in color. You can also buy teak furniture from TPK (Wood Auction Place), since the age of the wood can be more than 20 to 30 years.

  1. Try to get genuine teak wood furniture
    In addition to choosing furniture made from old teak, you should also get furniture made in

Most teak wood furniture made from has a much higher value because the quality standards are already on an international scale.

Therefore, choose the needs of teak wood furniture by buying it directly from In addition you could apply the five best ways to choose teak wood furniture above. And after you buy it, don’t put the furniture in a damp place.

Best way to Choose Quality Teak Wood Furniture

The Best Way for Wooden Furniture Treatment at Home

The Best Way for Wooden Furniture treatment at Home. Wooden furniture such as mahogany or teak and other are items that add uniqueness and aesthetics to your home. You may still have a wooden armchair from your grandfather that has become an antique in your home. However, you have to take good care of your furniture so that could lasts for generations.

1. Do not store in direct sunlight, wooden furniture has a certain amount of moisture in it. Storing it in direct sunlight will evaporate the moisture and may crack in some areas. In addition, the color can also fade. You also should not place a wooden chair too close to the fireplace if there is a fireplace in your house.

2. Do not be submerged in water. Simple solutions for caring wooden furniture should include this one. Soaking can damage the surface of your furniture. Instead, take warm water and dish soap to clean the furniture. Use a toothbrush for delicate areas. Take a soft damp cloth for the finishing touch.

3. Use coasters and mats. Do not serve drinks and food directly to your wooden table. Irritation marks are too stubborn to be removed. Always use coasters or designer mats before serving anything on a wooden dining table or guest table and so on.

4. Applying wood coating. This is one of the most important solutions for caring for wooden furniture in summer. Soft wood upholstery with superior quality can prevent your furniture from being damaged. Apply a light coat of wood directly and wait 30 minutes. Scrub with a soft brush. Do it again after 60 minutes or so to get that shine.

5. Frequent cleaning Dirt and dust make your furniture itchy. Therefore, you need to clean wooden furniture often. If you have upholstered furniture, vacuum weekly, remove hidden dust and change pillowcases regularly.

6. Do not leave it in the rain. Soaking in rain water is the reason why mold and mildew form on wood. Rotting is another matter. So, always keep your wooden furniture indoors when it rains.

7. Quick repair when you have taken good care of your furniture, some wood furniture may have hairline cracks or the color can be slightly damaged if hit. So, using colored shoe polish can hide those minor blemishes effectively. However, don’t forget to use the same color. The Best Way for Wooden Furniture treatment at Home

How to prevent mold/fungus grows on wood

How to prevent mold/fungus grows on wood. Fungus is one of the microorganisms that cause the color of wood to change and then cause decay if the quantity is excessive. Because fungus is not able to produce their own food, they depend on several natural materials including leather, cotton, rattan, paper and wood.

In terms of its relationship with wood, there are 4 main requirements before fungi can be grow on wood, namely: oxygen supply, air temperature between 5-38 °C, high humidity and of course the presence of wood. We just have to overcome one of these conditions to prevent the wood on furniture or building construction from getting moldy.
It’s pretty clear that we can’t limit the presence of oxygen around wood because humans need it too.

The air temperature needed by fungus to live is in the same range as humans and other living things. Even some types of mushrooms can live at temperatures below 0 °C. So in this section it is equally difficult to limit. The most effective method is to keep the wood dry. That is why wood must be kiln dried at an MC level of 8-14% before being processed into furniture or other constructions (buildings or bridges). Most fungi begin to live on wood that has an MC level above 20%. Below that level, it is very difficult for the fungus to start spreading.

For furniture in the room, with fairly stable air conditions and fairly low humidity, it is still possible to avoid mold, or it can be said that it is easy to prevent the furniture from growing mold. But for outdoor furniture is a challenge in itself. Therefore, outdoor furniture manufacturers must always be careful in choosing the type of wood for outdoor furniture. There are several types of wood that already have natural chemicals in the form of ‘poison’ for fungi so that no fungus can attack even though the 4 conditions mentioned above are met. Examples of types of wood in Indonesia are teak, ebony and ironwood.

However, the availability of this type of wood is also limited because more people need it and the limited time to grow for this type of tree which is at least 30 years old to be cut down and processed into industrial wood.

Laying furniture in the room will also be at risk of being attacked by mold if the room does not have good air ventilation.

Several ways of using chemicals have been widely used today by several factories and sawn wood industries. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of chemicals that can be harmful to furniture users or workers in the factory.

How to prevent mold/fungus grows on wood

Choosing Teak Wood Grade

Choosing Teak Wood Grade. Everyone knows that teak wood is excellent in furniture industry. You could say that teak wood is perfect, very durable, and very strong so that it is resistant to extreme weather changes in a 4 season country and is immune to any insect attack. But have you ever really known that not all teak wood is of good quality?

The quality of teak wood is classified into 3 grades, namely grade A, grade B, and grade C. Grade A Teak is more expensive than Grade B Teak, and Grade B Teak is more expensive than Grade C Teak. Variations in the price of teak wood furniture in various furniture shops in Indonesia.

Teak Wood Grade A

Grade A teak wood is the best quality teak wood. This teak wood comes from the center or heart of the teak tree (heartwood) with a tree age of at least 40 years. Grade A can be seen from the fibers that are straight and aligned, the color is uniform, the fibers are very tight, and feels a bit greasy when touched by the surface of the wood. It is this oil that gives teak wood such great resistance that it can withstand extreme weather (usually in 4 season countries) and insect attacks including termites. However, this part is only about 25% of the entire log, and this is what makes it rare and very expensive.

Teak Wood Grade B

Grade B Teak wood comes from the outermost part of the heartwood of the teak tree (heartwood), this part is 25% – 30% of the entire tree trunk. Compared to grade A teak, grade B teak has a slightly lighter color, less irregular fibers, and less glossy, because it contains less oil than grade A teak. The grain of the wood fiber is not as dense as grade A wood, but grade B wood is still good for use as raw material for furniture or furniture.

Teak Wood Grade C

The quality of Grade C teak is arguably low. This teak wood comes from the outermost part of the teak tree trunk (sapwood) and immature teak trees. This part takes about 40% of the entire teak tree trunk. Grade C Teak wood does not have oil that can protect the wood, it is white in color, and is usually filled with wood scratches or scribbles. Even though it comes from the same teak tree, grade C does not have the same quality or durability as grade A. Usually grade C is priced far below the price of grade B and grade A, for those of you with a minimal budget, this might be the right choice.


Everything comes back to your needs, if you are going to put your teak furniture outdoors (outdoor) and you live in an area with extreme weather with 4 seasons then you need grade A teak furniture. However, if you have a small budget, then you want quality that is close to grade A, and you live in Indonesia, you can still use grade B, and so on.

IMPORTANT: The difference between grade A, grade B, and grade C teak wood is very difficult to distinguish when the furniture has been coated or finished because the color will be the same. You certainly don’t want to be fooled, do you? So make sure you choose a furniture vendor, furniture shop or craftsman who is honest and trustworthy.

Choosing Teak Wood Grade

Distinguishing the Teak Wood Quality Based on its Grade

Distinguishing the Teak Wood Quality Based on its Grade. Teak Wood Grade A (Class A)
Teak wood grade A is the best quality type of teak wood among other types of teak wood. Grade A wood is located at the core of the teak tree trunk between heartwood and sapwood.

The characteristics of Grade A teak wood

  1. Densest wood grain,
  2. The color is more brown,
  3. Has natural compounds (chemical compounds tektoquinone), a kind of lubricating oil that can protect teak wood from termites and fungal growth.
  4. In one tree, only 25% of teak wood is included in Grade A
  5. Grade A teak wood is the most expensive among the others.

Teak Wood Grade B (Class B)
Teak wood grade B is a type of teak wood which is located in the middle of a teak tree trunk and there are some parts of the heart and sapwood taken, this teak wood has medium quality.

Characteristics of Grade B teak wood

  1. Wood grain is not very irregular,
  2. The color is almost the same as Grade A Teak wood,
  3. Has a natural compound of protective oil from termites, rodents and fungi, as found in Grade A Teak wood.
  4. In one tree trunk there is only 35% of teak wood which is included in Grade B
  5. The price of Grade B Teak wood is still quite expensive, but it is cheaper when compared to Grade A Teak wood.

Teak Wood Grade C (Class C)
Grade C Teak wood is a type of teak found on the outermost part of the teak tree trunk. Grade C teak has poor quality compared to grade A and grade B teak.

Characteristics of Grade C teak wood

  1. The brightest wood color is yellowish white,
  2. Irregular wood grain,
  3. Less dense wood grain,
  4. There is no natural lubricating oil such as grade A and grade B teak, so it is very vulnerable to termite and fungal attacks.
  5. In one tree trunk there are 40% which belong to grade C
  6. The cheapest price

Distinguishing the Teak Wood Quality Based on its Grade

Characteristics of Rattan Wood in Indonesia

Characteristics of Rattan Wood in Indonesia, Indonesia has more than 300 types of rattan, but only about 51 species are known to the world and are commercial in nature. Many people think that rattan is the same as bamboo, even though these two plants have their own unique characteristics. Here are the characteristics of rattan plants in Indonesia so you can distinguish them from bamboo.

  1. How to Grow
    Rattan is a plant that grows by spreading or creeping from the inside to the ground. The stems of the rattan plant that appeared on the ground began to wrap around the surrounding trees. The way to grow rattan is certainly different from bamboo which is not a vine.
  1. Trunk
    Rattan rods are slender in shape with a diameter of 2-5 cm, have many long segments and are not hollow. The absence of cavities causes rattan not to break easily like bamboo sticks. Rattan rods can reach lengths of up to hundreds of meters and can release water when cut.

Rattan stems are protected by long, sharp, and hard spines. In addition to functioning as a means of self-protection, these thorns are useful when rattan climbs into the surrounding trees. Meanwhile, bamboo is protected by a soft hairy midrib that itch and will fall out when this plant is sturdy and old.

Benefits of Rattan Wood for Humans
After knowing the difference between rattan and bamboo, of course now it is not difficult for you to distinguish between the two. The easiest way to tell the difference is that rattan stalks are very flexible when compared to bamboo. Due to its flexibility, rattan is widely used for various purposes.

Rattan is a non-timber forest product commodity that can be used for various needs. Rattan rods are often used as materials for handicrafts to household furniture. Here are some of the benefits of rattan for meeting human needs:

  1. Rattan as Raw Material for Furniture and Crafts
    The main use of rattan is as a raw material for making furniture. Rattan rods have good strength and are flexible so they are easy to shape. The price is also more affordable than wood commodities. You can make various household furniture such as chairs, tables, and cabinets.

Not only furniture, rattan can also be woven and used as crafts. You can install rattan wicker on the ventilation of the house to avoid the sun’s heat. Rattan is often used as walking sticks, broom sticks, umbrella stalks, or handles for cooking utensils.

  1. As Dye
    Some types of rattan secrete a red sap (resin) from the flower stalk. This sap has been traded overseas to be used as a wood dye in violin instruments. This sap is also used as a coloring agent for the ceramic industry.

Since 2012, the government has issued a ban on the export of raw rattan to foreign countries. Entrepreneurs can buy raw rattan wood for around IDR 1,500 per kg. The price of semi-finished rattan is valued at around Rp. 20,000.00 per kg. The hope is that entrepreneurs can be more creative so they can produce high-value products.

Characteristics of Rattan Wood in Indonesia

Rattan Products

Rattan Products. Both natural rattan and synthetic rattan can be used as raw materials for rattan craft products. Various designs, innovations and developments are carried out to make handmade or manufactured products that are of interest to the public.

The following are some products made from rattan, including:

  1. Woven Furniture
    Various furniture products such as tables and chairs can be made with rattan as the basic material. The traditional impression is the main characteristic of furniture items made of rattan. Not only that, other household furniture products can also be made from woven rattan, such as bed frames, bookshelves or shoe racks.

Even though it has a traditional feel, many craftsmen have redesigned their work so that it looks minimalist and modern. Woven rattan from Indonesia has also become a favorite for foreign markets. Data in 2015 stated that the export value of Indonesian rattan furniture reached more than US$ 110 million of the total export value of US$ 361 million. This amount accounts for 30% of the total national furniture export value.

  1. Bags and Wallets
    Not only furniture, rattan can also be processed into craft products such as bags and wallets that women like. This rattan wicker aesthetic is very popular with the American people.

One of them is a synthetic rattan craft product labeled Chameo. This brand focuses on foreign markets, especially America by marketing rattan woven bags. Even because of its popularity in the international world, rattan handicraft products from this brand go up and down at the Japan Fashion Week, Hingkon Fashion Week, to Pret a Porter in Paris.

  1. Ethnic Shoes and Sandals
    Rattan that is processed into sandals and shoes will create an ethical and traditional impression. This impression also raises local Indonesian culture.
  1. Lampshade
    In addition to bamboo and wood which are commonly used as lampshades, it turns out that rattan crafts can also be chosen to be used as room lighting decorations. A natural impression will emerge from the rattan material. Spotlights that pass through the cracks of the rattan will give the impression of a shady, cool and natural room.
  1. Mat or Lampit
    Lesehan or sitting and relaxing on a mat is an Indonesian habit. Well, woven rattan made into mats or mats is an option that can be used.

Rattan mats or mats are able to withstand cold or heat well. If the air is cold, then we will feel warm on the rattan. Meanwhile, if the weather is hot, then we will feel cool on the rattan. In addition, rattan mats or attachments are also easier to clean than cloth.

  1. Placemats and Plates
    The flexible structure of rattan makes it easy to make various handicraft products, one of which is placemats and glasses. Rattan was chosen as the base because it is not slippery and easy to store. In addition, a natural impression will also appear on the dining table accompanying the various menus that we will eat.
  1. Rattan Woven Basket
    The most common product of rattan crafts is made into a multifunctional basket. We can find this basket as a place for parcels, newspaper holders, tissue holders, and bicycle baskets.
  1. Rattan Pillow
    Rattan pillows are a type of pillow inspired by traditional Japanese pillows that do not use foam or dacron. Rattan pillows are known as reflection pillows to prevent neck pain.

The flexible nature of rattan is able to support the neck and head area safely and comfortably. Usually this type of pillow is the choice for those who have vertigo and as a therapy tool to relieve it.

  1. Interior and Exterior Basic Materials

Apart from being accessories and knick-knacks, rattan can also be used as a building material. Generally, we find this in rural or inland areas. Even today, the concept of a modern house adds a lot of rattan ornaments as an interesting combination.

Rattan Products

Types of Rattan Craft Products in Indonesia

Indonesia is renowned for its exquisite rattan craft products, which are crafted using traditional techniques passed down through generations. Here are some common types of rattan craft products found in Indonesia:

Rattan Furniture: Indonesia produces a wide range of rattan furniture, including chairs, tables, sofas, loungers, and dining sets. These pieces often feature intricate weaving patterns and designs, showcasing the craftsmanship of Indonesian artisans.

Baskets and Hampers: Rattan is commonly used to weave baskets and hampers of various shapes and sizes. These products serve both decorative and practical purposes, such as storing laundry, organizing items, or displaying plants.

Lamps and Light Fixtures: Rattan is often used to create lampshades and light fixtures, adding a natural and rustic touch to interior spaces. These lamps come in various styles, from pendant lights to floor lamps, and are often handwoven with intricate patterns.

Decorative Home Accessories: Indonesian artisans craft a wide range of decorative home accessories from rattan, including trays, wall hangings, coasters, and decorative bowls. These items are often adorned with intricate weaving techniques and natural embellishments.

Storage Solutions: Rattan is an ideal material for crafting storage solutions such as shelves, cabinets, and chests. These pieces combine functionality with aesthetics, providing stylish storage options for homes and businesses.

Garden and Patio Furniture: Rattan is well-suited for outdoor furniture due to its durability and resistance to weather elements. Indonesian craftsmen produce a variety of rattan garden and patio furniture, including chairs, loungers, tables, and planters.

Handbags and Accessories: Rattan is increasingly being used to create fashionable handbags, purses, and accessories. These products often feature intricate weaving patterns and are popular among fashion-conscious consumers seeking eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives.

Pet Furniture and Accessories: Rattan pet beds, carriers, and accessories are also popular in Indonesia. These products provide pets with comfortable and stylish resting spaces while adding a touch of natural elegance to the home.

Customized and Bespoke Items: Many rattan craft artisans in Indonesia offer customized and bespoke items tailored to individual preferences and specifications. This allows customers to create unique and personalized rattan pieces that suit their specific needs and preferences.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of rattan craft products available in Indonesia. From furniture to home accessories, rattan craftsmanship continues to thrive in Indonesia, offering both traditional and contemporary designs to local and international markets.

Advantages of Rattan Furniture

Advantages of Rattan Furniture. Public interest in rattan furniture has never subsided from time to time. That is why manufacturers of furniture with these basic materials are constantly innovating to produce new products that are attractive and functional. Maybe you often ask, What are the advantages and advantages of rattan compared to wood as a furniture material? Immediately, we see the following review.

Super Light Weight
The advantages of this one rattan clearly cannot be found in wooden furniture. Rattan has a super light weight compared to other materials. That is why rattan is suitable for furniture that is often moved around, such as a baby bed. Because baby cots made of rattan are very light so they are easy to move as needed. You also don’t need to buy more than one baby bed to be placed in several rooms in the house.

Very Strong Endurance
It’s no secret that rattan also has a strong durability. Despite its super light weight, rattan is able to withstand a fantastic amount of weight. This is what makes rattan often used as a basic material for sofas and beds. You don’t have to worry about furniture made of rattan that will be damaged quickly if it has been used for a long time.

The price is relatively cheap
Price is often a major consideration when choosing furniture. Because you definitely want to set aside a budget for other household needs. This is where the main advantage is, you should choose rattan furniture as a mainstay compared to wood because this type of furniture is usually priced at low prices. Although cheap, the quality is no fewer slicks than other furniture materials.

Flexible & Shaped Texture
Rattan is also superior because it has a flexible texture so it is easy to shape. This unique characteristic allows producers to be maximally creative with rattan. Unlike wood, which tends to be rigid, rattan is easier to create into furniture of various unique shapes.

Durable for Decades
Durability that reaches decades makes rattan even more special. Various furniture with this material, can indeed reach the age of decades. The previous generation who painstakingly took care of their favorite furniture can pass the vintage furniture on to their children and grandchildren. Moreover, rattan creations are always interesting and never out of date so that they can be used continuously.

Easy Maintenance Process
Those of you who like practicality may be a bit overwhelmed with wooden furniture that requires special care. However, this is not the case with rattan. The maintenance process is very easy. You only need to use a brush to clean the dust between them regularly. Don’t forget to keep the rattan away from direct sunlight, so your favorite furniture will always last.

Identical to Natural Impression
Bringing a natural feel to your private residence is not difficult. One way that you can do is to use furniture made of rattan wood. The natural color of rattan furniture is indeed a distinct advantage that is synonymous with a natural impression. So the rattan material is very suitable to be combined with a classic rustic or ethnic interior style. You only need to align the choice of furniture with the feel of the interior of the house to produce a harmonious impression.

Can be varied with various colors
Generally, wood is not suitable for painting with bright colors such as red, green, or blue. However, you can get a different feel when you choose rattan. Because rattan is suitable to be varied with various paint colors. Rattan texture can absorb paint perfectly so that the resulting color looks more beautiful. The advantages of this one make the modified rattan match the modern interior style.

Now, you have a choice of alternative furniture materials that can beautify your home without filling your pockets with holes. Once you know the advantages and disadvantages, spend more time hunting for quality rattan wood, so you can get the best model and quality of furniture.

Advantages of Rattan Furniture

Types of Rattan Wood in Indonesia

Types of Rattan Wood in Indonesia. Knowing what rattan is, how it is processed and how useful rattan wood from Indonesia is, of course, there are several types of rattan that must be considered. This type will distinguish which rattan is right to be processed into furniture and which is not.
Not all types of rattan can be processed into furniture and are good for outdoor use. There are several types of rattan that break easily because they are different types. On the other hand, rattan also has advantages in terms of flexibility. If you want to process rattan yourself, pay attention to which types should be used and which ones should not. Here are some types of rattan that are generally used for making furniture.

Big Rattan Jernang
Having another name Daemonorops draco Blume, this rattan is found in Sumatra. The color of this rattan is yellowish brown with a glossy appearance. The size of the rattan can have a length of 18-35 cm with a diameter of 12 mm.

Dahanan Rattan
Get to know Rattan Wood, the Best Furniture Material from Indonesia
Another name is Korthalsia flagellaris Miq, found in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The growth of this rattan is found in swamps. If it is ready to harvest, the length can reach 50 meters with a diameter of 15-30 mm. It is quite difficult to harvest because of the length of the rattan and also its clump growth. The color of rattan is brown and has a rough texture.

Semambu Rattan
has another name Calamus scipionum Lour, this rattan grows a lot in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Many grow in areas with an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. When ready to harvest, the diameter reaches 30 mm with a segment length of 20-30 cm. When dry, the color of the rattan changes to reddish brown.
The length of the rattan itself can reach 20 meters. The large diameter makes this type of rattan suitable only for furniture construction.

Jermasin Rattan
The Latin name of this rattan is Calamus ecojolis Becc. Many grow in Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. The size of this rattan is quite small with a diameter of 6-10 mm and a length of 15-40 cm. The shape is very strong and tenacious.
The color of the rattan is yellowish with a glossy appearance when it is dry. Because of its strong shape, the rattan stem is often used as furniture.

Rattan Buyung
Having the Latin name Calamus optimus Becc., this rattan is widely planted in riverside areas at 100-300 masl. The areas used for rattan cultivation are Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Sumatra.
The size of this rattan can reach 40 meters and the shape is strong and very tenacious. The diameter of the stem is 12-44 mm and the length of the internodes is 20-30. Similar to Dahanan rattan, the clump growth of up to 60 stems makes it quite difficult to harvest.

Mantang Rattan
The Latin name of this rattan is Calamus ornatus Blume and is widely grown in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java. It grows on the banks of rivers with an altitude of 100-300 meters above sea level, especially on rocky and sandy soils.
The size of the stem is 15-40 mm in diameter with a segment length of 16-20 cm. The color of the rattan itself is dark green and turns to shiny brass once it dries.

Rattan Makeup
Having the Latin name Calamus schitolantus Blume, this rattan is spread in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Rattan stems that are ready to be harvested can have a diameter of 3-6 mm with a length of 15 cm. The leaves are compound-shaped pinnate with a size of 1 m. The color of the dried rattan is shiny yellow. Its strength against rattan rods is strong and also tenacious.

Inun Rattan
Get to know Rattan Wood, the Best Furniture Material from Indonesia
Having another name Calamus scabridulus Becc, this rattan is widely spread in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The length of the rattan segment reaches 28-40 cm and the diameter is 6 mm. The length of the rattan segment makes it better to be processed into woven.So it needs to be combined with rattan rods to make furniture frames and use inun rattan as part of the woven furniture, Types of Rattan Wood in Indonesia