Types of Rattan Wood in Indonesia. Knowing what rattan is, how it is processed and how useful rattan wood from Indonesia is, of course, there are several types of rattan that must be considered. This type will distinguish which rattan is right to be processed into furniture and which is not.
Not all types of rattan can be processed into furniture and are good for outdoor use. There are several types of rattan that break easily because they are different types. On the other hand, rattan also has advantages in terms of flexibility. If you want to process rattan yourself, pay attention to which types should be used and which ones should not. Here are some types of rattan that are generally used for making furniture.
Big Rattan Jernang
Having another name Daemonorops draco Blume, this rattan is found in Sumatra. The color of this rattan is yellowish brown with a glossy appearance. The size of the rattan can have a length of 18-35 cm with a diameter of 12 mm.
Dahanan Rattan
Get to know Rattan Wood, the Best Furniture Material from Indonesia
Another name is Korthalsia flagellaris Miq, found in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The growth of this rattan is found in swamps. If it is ready to harvest, the length can reach 50 meters with a diameter of 15-30 mm. It is quite difficult to harvest because of the length of the rattan and also its clump growth. The color of rattan is brown and has a rough texture.
Semambu Rattan
has another name Calamus scipionum Lour, this rattan grows a lot in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Many grow in areas with an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. When ready to harvest, the diameter reaches 30 mm with a segment length of 20-30 cm. When dry, the color of the rattan changes to reddish brown.
The length of the rattan itself can reach 20 meters. The large diameter makes this type of rattan suitable only for furniture construction.
Jermasin Rattan
The Latin name of this rattan is Calamus ecojolis Becc. Many grow in Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. The size of this rattan is quite small with a diameter of 6-10 mm and a length of 15-40 cm. The shape is very strong and tenacious.
The color of the rattan is yellowish with a glossy appearance when it is dry. Because of its strong shape, the rattan stem is often used as furniture.
Rattan Buyung
Having the Latin name Calamus optimus Becc., this rattan is widely planted in riverside areas at 100-300 masl. The areas used for rattan cultivation are Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Sumatra.
The size of this rattan can reach 40 meters and the shape is strong and very tenacious. The diameter of the stem is 12-44 mm and the length of the internodes is 20-30. Similar to Dahanan rattan, the clump growth of up to 60 stems makes it quite difficult to harvest.
Mantang Rattan
The Latin name of this rattan is Calamus ornatus Blume and is widely grown in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java. It grows on the banks of rivers with an altitude of 100-300 meters above sea level, especially on rocky and sandy soils.
The size of the stem is 15-40 mm in diameter with a segment length of 16-20 cm. The color of the rattan itself is dark green and turns to shiny brass once it dries.
Rattan Makeup
Having the Latin name Calamus schitolantus Blume, this rattan is spread in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Rattan stems that are ready to be harvested can have a diameter of 3-6 mm with a length of 15 cm. The leaves are compound-shaped pinnate with a size of 1 m. The color of the dried rattan is shiny yellow. Its strength against rattan rods is strong and also tenacious.
Inun Rattan
Get to know Rattan Wood, the Best Furniture Material from Indonesia
Having another name Calamus scabridulus Becc, this rattan is widely spread in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The length of the rattan segment reaches 28-40 cm and the diameter is 6 mm. The length of the rattan segment makes it better to be processed into woven.So it needs to be combined with rattan rods to make furniture frames and use inun rattan as part of the woven furniture, Types of Rattan Wood in Indonesia