Sungkai Tree. Sungkai is one of the trees whose wood is often used by the community. The tree with the Latin name Peronema canescens is also known as sabrang teak, ki sabrang, skinny and sekai which belongs to the Verbenaceae family.
Morphological Features
Sungkai trees can grow to a height of between 20 m to 30 m with branches reaching 10 m. Sungkai trunk diameter is about 60 cm with straight stems and shallow grooves, no buttresses, and twigs filled with fine hairs. Sungkai bears fruit all year round.
The outer skin of the sungkai plant is gray or light brown, shallow grooves and peeling small and thin. The sungkai tree produces light yellow or cream-colored heartwood. Sungkai wood has rough, rough, uneven textured characteristics with straight and sometimes wavy grain directions.
Just like other types of wood from hard trees, sungkai wood is often used for building roof frames because it is light and strong. In addition, the use of sungkai wood is also used in the construction of poles and bridges.
Wood from the sungkai tree is used as an alternative to teak because it produces good wood, namely strong class II – III and durable class II. Therefore, the prospect of sungkai cultivation can be turned into a bright and profitable business field due to the high demand for wood.
Benefits of Sungkai Wood
Before knowing what the benefits are, here are the specifications and characteristics of sungkai wood:
- The color of the sapwood is white and when dried turns yellowish, while the color of the white heartwood is a little dark and a bit old.
- sungkai wood texture is a bit rough agak
- When touched, it creates the impression of a slightly rough surface
- The direction of the river fiber tends to be straight and sometimes wavy
Sungkai wood is used by some craftsmen for the manufacture of furniture, crafts and roof construction materials. Sungkai Tree