Mahogany Wood Advantages And Disadvantages

Mahogany Wood Advantages And Disadvantages. Since the last 35 years, mahogany trees have been cultivated because the wood has a fairly high economic value. The quality of the wood is hard and very good for furniture, furniture, carvings and handicrafts. The quality of mahogany wood is below the quality of teak wood, so mahogany is dubbed the second prima donna after teak.

Mahogany wood for furniture has long been used as the main raw material for Indonesian furniture besides teak. This type of wood for Javanese furniture is generally used for classic furniture models. Why ? I don’t know, but in our opinion, because the buyers of the classic model furniture are from Europe and America. There mahogany wood is classified as one of the expensive and luxurious wood. In your mind you must be wondering, why choose mahogany over teak. Because Europeans and Americans know teak as a strong and tough wood. Furniture made of wood so that in Europe and America it is only for use outside the room and for ship raw materials.

These are the advantages and disadvantages of mahogany wood that you should know

Advantages of Mahogany

The wood grain is fine and varied. This look is very good when finished with natural or classic colors. A very stable cross section, mahogany wood is known for its strength of shrinkage and deformation, this is the reason why mahogany wood is also widely used in the guitar and other musical instruments industry. Of course, the main problem is the dryness of the wood raw material. The natural oil content is low, making it possible to finish duco paint models without the risk of leaving yellowish stains like teak wood. Of course, drought is the main condition.

Advantages of Mahogany

The wood grain is fine and varied. This look is very good when finished with natural or classic colors. A very stable cross section, mahogany wood is known for its strength of shrinkage and deformation, this is the reason why mahogany wood is also widely used in the guitar and other musical instruments industry. Of course, the main problem is the dryness of the wood raw material. The natural oil content is low, making it possible to finish duco paint models without the risk of leaving yellowish stains like teak wood. Of course, drought is the main condition.

Disadvantages of Mahogany

Mahogany wood is attacked by many pests. Mahogany wood is quite spoiled because it needs to be specially treated properly. The meaning of quite spoiled, because mahogany wood must be baked first, even the storage of raw materials must be correct. When finishing also can not be careless.

Mahogany Wood Advantages And Disadvantages

Mahogany is a Quality Wood Thats Getting Rare

Mahogany is a Quality Wood Thats Getting Rare

Mahogany is a Quality Wood Thats Getting Rare. Wood is one of the leading materials in the manufacture of furniture. It is said to be a superior material because wood is an easily available material, has good quality, and also has a beautiful natural impression. In addition, wooden furniture can also make the atmosphere of the room tend to be warmer because of its muted colors.

Several types of wood are often used as materials for furniture, including teak, mindi wood, sungkai wood, maple wood, and mahogany wood. Mahogany wood is one type of wood which is now the main choice for wood furniture craftsmen other than teak. Not without reason, mahogany wood is widely used because this type of wood is no less good and quality than teak.

In the world of the furniture industry, mahogany which has the Latin name Swietenia mahagoni is included in the type of luxury wood. Mahogany wood has a characteristic hard texture with small pores, this is why mahogany is very good when used as furniture or musical instruments.

Furniture craftsmen now prefer mahogany compared to teak because mahogany has good quality but at a cheaper price. In terms of color, mahogany is a very beautiful wood, it has a natural reddish color on the inside and a dark brown color with beautiful scales on the outside.

Not only is it useful as a material for making furniture, mahogany trees can also reduce air pollution, you know! Wow, this is very suitable to be planted in Jakarta, where the air conditions are currently deteriorating, hehe. Mahogany tree leaves function to absorb pollutants in the vicinity. Besides being useful for the environment, mahogany tree fruit also contains flavonoids and saponins which are useful for improving blood flow.

Another advantage of mahogany in terms of manufacturing is the smooth wood fiber, so it will produce beautiful motifs and textures when finished. Mahogany cross section is also very stable and has good shrinkage and deformation strength. The natural oil content in mahogany is also low, making it able to be finished with duco paint without leaving a yellowish stain like teak.

Many advantages do not make mahogany wood has no disadvantages at all. Some of the things that mahogany lacks include its susceptibility to pests. In addition, mahogany wood also has a spoiled nature, that is, before being processed into furniture, mahogany wood must be baked first.

Some furniture that uses mahogany as its material include wardrobes, cabinets, TV tables, side tables, and beds. Mahogany is a Quality Wood Thats Getting Rare

Mahogany Wood

Mahogany Wood is a type of wood that is familiar in Indonesia, especially in its use as furniture material. Because this one wood does have a habitat in the tropics. Mahogany wood is not as strong as teak. However, the quality remains superior and is considered suitable as a substitute for teak because the price is more economical.

Mahogany is actually widely found in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java. This type of wood is quite popular as a furniture material because the planting period is quite short and the price is not too expensive. Mahogany wood also has a softer texture than other woods so it is easy to shape, and is characterized by its reddish color tone. Want to know more about the character, advantages, disadvantages, and uses of mahogany wood in home furniture? Let see below!

Mahogany Characteristics
Even though they look the same, all types of wood must have different characteristics. If you want furniture made of mahogany, you must first know its characteristics. Later, you can consider the advantages and disadvantages before making the best choice.

Types of Wood Grains that Resemble Teak
Mahogany wood has a straight wood grain character, very similar to teak wood. That is why this type of wood is very suitable as a substitute for teak. The straight fiber makes it easy to process and modify into various models without compromising its beauty.

The Older, The More Ripe Colors
Young mahogany has a pale color so that the color is less attractive for furniture or other needs. However, the color of the wood will be more mature and attractive as the wood gets older. Mahogany which is over 20 years old has a striking red color. The color looks so natural that it doesn’t need a lot of extra polish.

Diverse Types of Finishing
If you want to maintain the impression of a strong and sharp mahogany color, you can use a finishing material made of water based acrylic. These materials will reinforce the original look of mahogany without a touch of other colors. Choose a mahogany color type for the best natural look. You can apply it to the wood by smearing it with a ball, spraying it, or brushing it with a brush. Meanwhile, if you choose varnish or varnish, the appearance of the wood after the finishing process will be paler. The sharp red color is no longer seen as a prominent characteric.